Safety should always be your priority with the help of just a few codes you can find out who’s tracking you & whether you’re being tracked by someone.
You should be aware of them who takes access control permissions from you.
Here are some useful codes which can help you with some useful instructions and how to detect the trespassers.
Some useful codes:
By using these code you can find out whether your calls, messages and other personal data are being diverted the status of the different types of diversions are taking along with the number the information is being transferred to will be displayed on your smartphone display.
This function is mostly set up by your enemy or parents or family members who are trying to protect you from spam or crime victims.
Maybe you lend your phone to a stranger to make a single call if they do so they risk having information about where you live what your habits and whom you calling and what’s your daily activities and even your bank details.
This code helps you to activated call forwarding option.
Very often we are using call forwarding option.
Well, we can easily activate call forwarding option by using *72 and followed by the mobile number.
Using this code you can disable call forwarding option by using *73 and followed by the mobile number.
*#62# is a universal code which helps you to activate all types call forwarding options.
##002# is a universal code which helps you to deactivate all types call forwarding.
Because it's not a good idea when you have to use roaming. If you use this code before roaming in this case money won’t be taken from your account for calls that are redirected by default to your voicemail.
By using this code you can find your device IMEI no. It will help you if someone steals your phone and if you know this number you can find your phone.
When he/she switch on your phone his/her location is automatically detected to your network provider even if a different sim card is inserted.
If someone knows your IMEI number they can easily find out the model and technical characteristics of your phone.
What you don’t want to show that spy, right?
By using these codes on your android phone you can reset your factory data.
Sometimes we need to reset our phone’s factory data maybe for some unknown malware attacks in your device or maybe for some annoying bugs and so on.
So now you can easily within a few seconds you can reset your device data.
By using this code you can reset the data partition to factory state.
If you are a Motorola user then this code will help you to check the hidden service menu in your Motorola device
Sometimes we need to check the firmware version of our phone& this code will help you to check the PDA & Firmware version of your phone.
You can check the FTA version by using this code.
- *#*#197328640#*#* or *#4636#*#* for Android
- *3001#12345#* for I-phone
These types of code allow someone to track your location and also determine whether someone is tracking you for this you need a utility net monitor following these codes.
At first go to the section called UMTS cell environment then UMTS is our info and write down all the numbers under cell ID.
These numbers are the basic stations located nearby you. Your phone will connect by default to the one that emits the best signal.
And next step goes back to the main menu then click on the MM info then on serving PLMN. Write down the number under LAC.
In the next step with the help of these two numbers and a website called, you can determine the location on the map of the base station that your phone is connected.
The ones to be suspicious of our mobile base stations & this could be a truck or small bus with a large antenna.
These kinds of vehicles are used at rocks festivals and in any low coverage area where the internet connection is very poor.
In case there is one of them nearby without any reason, it could be possible that someone spying on you.
Use Anti - Virus software:
If you use Android device you should check periodically check your phone for viruses.
Place Raider is one of the most dangerous ones that can infect your device.
Place Raider was made by American experts it was meant to show how vulnerable our devices are.
Once It gets into your phone this Trojan takes a series of photographs of the surrounding area.
It creates a 3D model of the building you’re in and then takes advantages of any internet connection to send the data adding along with it all the data on the phone and your passwords.
Now you might have a question how do the secret services listen in? well, here is your answer:
In national security agencies in virtually all countries are now co-operate with mobile Operators who often provide the former with access to information on any of their customers provided they have a warrant form court as a minimum they provide data from last three months
If your phone has been tapped by security purposes by that security agency the chance you wo n’t even notice.
If a phone makes odd noises during a conversation & losses battery rapidly & overheated in tiny tasks or unexpectedly it will restart sometimes.
This will be merely an indication that you need to get it repaired rather than a sign that you've listened to.
People usually don’t reveal all that much in a phone convo from the point of view of those who want to listen in it’s much more worthwhile to set up special devices or bugs in someone’s home radio wave detectors can be used work out whether such bugs are present in a building.
Hmm now you are in tension so how can you protect yourself? I’m here to help you.
We are love to use social network all day, right.
But these kinds of social & messaging apps that are completely closed to outsiders such as facebook, twitter, Instagram what information it's made to access to all and anyone should be able to find out your number or have to access your information about your family, your job and whom you loved once.
So, be very careful next time when you post in any photo in the social media network.
And don’t install any programme on your phone.
Also, you need to check any apps review when you install it on your apps because those have can harm your device.
So, next time please at-least one time check user review and I will suggest you not to download any apps which are removed in play store.
When you download any apps I would like to suggest you don’t download any apps which have below 50k download.
That’s it for today hope it will be very helpful for you and in case we miss any point or you know any other tips then don’t forget to post your suggestion.
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